Friday, February 28, 2020

Still here...

 I bet that title gets written a lot on trying to get sober journals…or at least I hope it does.

I have been struggling every since that stupid trip to LA two weeks ago.

Non-valid excuse after non-valid excuse has been flooding my mind and I have just accepted it like a good alcoholic. 

Clearly, my vodka knows what is better for me than I do.

I’ve not gotten completely snockered every night but I am definitely suffering from the “3 AM pounding heart, regret city, I wish I didn’t do that” party. It’s a stupid party in the harsh light of day and I don’t know why it seems so exclusive and inviting after work…

I have put an end date to it, however ( I hope). 

I have a plan of action in the works to not drink for an indefinite number of days starting Sunday.
I will post more this weekend in anticipation (don’t we always) of my quitting date.

But for now…I am trying to be gentle with myself. I know what I want and I know it wants me back. I will get there.

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