Monday, August 9, 2021

Things you can accomplish on a Sunday…


For the last 20 plus years, Sundays meant drinking as much as possible before I have to go back to the real world on Monday.

I’m going to couple that statement with the fact that I have always felt like I could never accomplish anything around the house without drinking.  Like I could never actively complete any chores sober because I just wasn’t programed that way.  I had always done the things while liquored up and that is the only way I knew how!

I used that excuse to a fault.  That was my go to when I was pressed about trying a semi sober weekend: “Well, I simply cannot because I need to get all these things done and I can’t do that sober!  To a ridiculous amount, those types of things raided my brain and I felt that they all were justified.  “I don’t know how to do that sober!!” I would lament in my head and sometimes out loud, and it never sounded stupid because it was honestly how I felt.  There was an actual fear in my head to try any of those things without drinking.

I would like to show you how I spent my Sunday.

This was my closet when I woke up this morning:

You can only imagine how it got that way yes?  It was far too important to get trashed than clean my closet, every single time I even thought about trying to tidy it. It’s been this way for years in differing levels of slothfulness.

Here is how it looks right now:

So that is what I did on my Sunday.  I feel so happy and accomplished.  There is still a lot to do on it, but dang it feels good to have done that much without any alcohol aid. 

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