Thursday, August 16, 2018

I'm still here.

I didn't blog yesterday, but don't worry - I didn't drink.  (I love how I write like people are actually reading this thing.  Ha!)
I was just tired and went to bed early.  That meant I got a WONDERFUL nights sleep.  Eight solid hours!  It was glorious!
Today I've been feeling out of sorts.  I have this weird rattling/gurgle thing going on in my stomach and chest.  I've had it for almost a week I think but today it was very prominent.  Couple that with the fact that I haven't been able to pass gas, and I'm a bit worried about my insides. 
It's not the first time I've had a case of gastritis, it happens when I eat too many nuts and I have been lately.  The rattling/bubbling feeling is new though.  And of course I hop on the GoogleWebs and the first thing that pops up is perforated guts. 
Anxiety girl sprang into action and panic ensued.  That is a slight exaggeration, but I do admit that it is freaking me out quite a bit.  I'm not running a fever, so there is that.
Anyhoo.  I was also feeling some heart palpitations tonight.  Put that together with the stomach thing and it did not make for a good evening.  I drank some Poweraid Zero tho and felt better.  That tells me that my electrolytes are messing with me again.  I will be so glad when I get the test results back and visit my doc so we can get to the bottom of this.
Craving drinks tonight, but that is normal.  I was going to type that I wanted to drink tonight, but that isn't really the truth.  I don't want to drink.  What I want is to numb myself so I don't have to worry about these possible health issues.  That is what I did for the last 20 years.  Ironically that might be why I have the health issues in the first place.
I don't really have much to post about tonight other than this.  I am going to go eat my salad and go to bed to read.  I really need to get out of the habit of eating right before bed, but that is what I have done for so long because of the drinking, it's weird to think of eating at a normal hour.  Won't I be hungry again before bed? 
All things to work on. 

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