Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Is it getting easier?

It seems easier tonight.  I'm not sure if that is because work was relatively easy today, or if because I had to stop at the pharmacy to get Hubs meds - therefore killing a half an hour of time that I would normally be sitting here at home feeling sorry for myself that I can't drink.  Or even if it is as stupid of a reason that I've lost more weight and the bloat has left my face.  It's so nice to see my cheekbones again.  I've missed them.
I'm not saying it's EASY...just a little easier.
Today at work we celebrated a pretty big anniversary of one of our co workers and there was a champagne toast.  There was only like an ounce in each glass because we were still at work, but I opted for the sparkling cider instead.  Not really a huge deal for me, since I rarely partake in a work environment.  That is just a recipe for disaster in my opinion.  I've seen many a coworker make an ass out of themselves in front of people that they shouldn't have. 
Plus I have never really drunk much in public in the last 15 years or so.  If I did have a drink, it was A DRINK and then I would switch to soda or something similar (unless you count multiple trips to Vegas).
There are two reasons behind that.  The first is that buying drinks at a bar is flipping expensive.  The second and most important is that I didn't want to make an ass out of myself in front of friends and or co-workers.  I also have a lot of friends that are in recovery.  To my knowledge, they do not know that I am a drunk.  I might have an occasional social drink at some sort of event, but more than likely (OH! Reason # 3!), I wouldn't have any because I was driving.
No, instead I would go home and drink.  I would have a good time hanging out with friends and calculate how long before is not longer impolite to duck out of the party so I could go home to my cheap, crappy vodka.
The good news about that is that going out and socializing shouldn't be a big deal to me as far as stopping the drinking.  That wasn't the way that I imbibed.  I'm a closeted drinker that would rather do it in the privacy of her home where no one can know and or judge me for it.
It's actually being at home that has been tough for me.  Ironically going out and socializing, coming home late and tired would be an asset to me not drinking.  Heh.
Yes, I have to say tonight is a little easier.  I'm looking forward to heading to bed and reading. 
I have been an avid reader since I was a child.  I read books in my tweens and teens like it was going out of style.  It shaped me and made me want to be a writer.
I gave up a lot of reading when I started drinking because I was more focused on getting drunk than on anything else.  So I watched a lot of TV and movies instead.  Not as enjoyable in my opinion.
I love laying in bed and reading.  I love going to bed and making small talk with my husband before we drift off -- and REMEMBERING it the next day.
I have to think about these small things when I'm feeling sad.

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