Friday, August 24, 2018

Two weeks

It's been two weeks since I had a drink.
For the most part, I feel amazing.  Anxiety is at the lowest level I've had in YEARS.  I've lost weight as well as a lot of the bloat in my face. My mood has improved by leaps and bounds.  I'm getting lots of wonderful quality sleep at night and wake up rested.  My blood pressure and pulse rate have dropped dramatically.  I remember eating and going to bed at night!
These are all fantastic things.
But I'm not going to lie.  I wanted to drink tonight.
I've been doing relatively good, thus the no blog entries.  I come home from work, take my CBD oil and relax on the couch and or prepare dinner.  Haven't really had the desire to drink this week.
However I was in on foul mood today.  I honestly have no idea why.  I got good sleep, I'm two weeks out from my period so I'm not PMSing, but everything in my body felt like I was.  From my irritability to my wanting to eat everything on the planet.  I couldn't figure out what it was, but on the way home tonight I kept thinking how I could sure use a drink.  And it's Friday after all so...
I didn't, but I was probably closer than I've been since I first quit.  Of course I'm glad that I didn't.  I suppose the draw will always be there and given that I'm still in the beginning phase, it will probably even get stronger as time goes by.
All I can say is that tonight, I did not drink.
Going to be busy this weekend so I'm not too worried about cravings.  Gonna love on the Hubs as it's our anniversary.
I guess that is all I have right now.  Kinda sleepy and hungry so I'll probably get something to eat and head to bed to read.
I've read two full books in the last two weeks and I'm loving it.  

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