Wednesday, January 22, 2020


 Last night, the sleeping was better than Monday night. Not great, but I figure all together I got about five or six hours of sleep so I'll take it.

I didn't really have much of a craving to drink when I got home...I mean, I feel like there will always be a pull when I first walk through the door after work. Well, at least until I get some serious months under my belt. It's just something I have done for so long that it is just habitual. It's what I do when I get home. I feed the dogs, get in my Pj's and pour myself a healthy shot of vodka.

However, once I cracked open my sparkling water and chowed on some chips and dip, I was feeling pretty content.

Played my video game for a half an hour and then Hubs and I folded the weeks worth of laundry that had been sitting.

Hubs mostly took care of dinner and then I ate and retired to bed to read.

About ten minutes later, my husband did the sweetest thing. He came into the bedroom to bring me a cup of Rooibos tea in my favorite mug. I used to love to drink this tea and had kind of forgotten about it, it's a nice, slightly sweet, relaxing tea. I discovered it when I had to quit caffeine due to my anxiety.
He put it on my nightstand and told me if I didn't want it he would be back to collect it when he came to bed.

At first I wasn't sure I wanted it but after the first sip I realized it was EXACTLY what I needed. Snugging under the covers with my book and a nice warm cup of tea. It was perfect!

It also made me realize how much me making an effort to stop or at least cut back on drinking is meaning to him. That hit me in the feels.

Not much else to report. It's my night to cook dinner so I'll try and get that done quickly when I get home. The kitchen is where I did all my drinking. I kept my vodka glass and chaser glass on the counter right next to the stove. This has made the kitchen seem like a bit of a danger zone to me when I am trying not to drink. 

I'm finding it's not as bad as I was making it out in my head, but still...there is a fear there.
I guess that is all I've got for now. 

Thanks to all who have been commenting and supporting me, it means more than you could ever know.💓💓💓

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